trigger-happy|trigger happy in English

eady to shoot a firearm at the slightest provocation, tending to use a gun without thinking carefully; having a tendency to respond in a violent manner, recklessly impulsive

Use "trigger-happy|trigger happy" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "trigger-happy|trigger happy" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "trigger-happy|trigger happy", or refer to the context using the word "trigger-happy|trigger happy" in the English Dictionary.

1. Their police are worryingly trigger-happy.

2. Some called him a trigger-happy candidate.

3. The problem is that trigger-happy intervention also has its drawbacks.

4. The new security forces are certainly trigger-happy. Some are proving undisciplined.

5. Those young teenagers are carrying machine guns, and they feel trigger-happy.

6. The lasting we want it a trigger-happy general at the disarmament talks.

7. It's dangerous to have a trigger-happy person in charge of national security.

8. They are the police force that keeps the immune system from becoming trigger-happy.

9. A trigger-happy city where children as young as 10 roam the streets brandishing Kalashnikovs.

10. Equip Bazillions of guns as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries, each with unique RPG skills

11. In those months, as the fighting escalated, concern about careless, trigger-happy Americans was rising in Afghanistan.

12. Your pupils dilate, your muscles contract, your Spidey sense tingles, basically your whole body is trigger-happy.

13. One trigger-happy man fires into the air with his rifle to remind us who is in charge.

14. The investigator said the killings were the result of poor procedure by trigger-happy police rather than premeditated murder.

15. Poor or trigger-happy fighters are sometimes "retired", either sent home or given a menial task, such as sweeping floors.

16. 30 Poor or trigger-happy fighters are sometimes "retired", either sent home or given a menial task, such as sweeping floors.

17. After all,( ) half-an-hour away in any direction there is a trigger-happy racist waiting for his big day.

18. You'll be a little trigger-happy on the 3rd and 4th, but do your best to keep your temper under control.

19. A debate even begins about whether the army is not getting a little trigger-happy in its nervous and no doubt terrified tension.

20. “It seems to me they find that the dumbest, the Blindest, the most trigger-happy people, intolerant people, to make them police officers,” Nwangaza proclaimed

21. Pull the trigger.

22. The Blue Throat Trigger, Xanthichthys auromarginatus, also known as the Bluethroat Trigger, Blue Chin Trigger, or Gilded Trigger, features a greyish-brown body with light blue spotting

23. Where's the trigger?

24. Marines kicking down doors and murdering men, women and children in their pyjamas: nothing could better reinforce the caricature of trigger-happy superpowerdom on the rampage.

25. Trigger, behavior, reward.